An R package for estimating the probability of informed trading
The package provides utilities for the estimation
of probability of informed trading measures: original PIN (PIN
) as
introduced by Easley and Ohara (1992)
Easley et al. (1996)
, multilayer PIN (MPIN
) as introduced by
Ersan (2016)
, adjusted PIN (AdjPIN
) model
as introduced in Duarte and Young (2009)
, and
volume-synchronized PIN (VPIN
) as introduced by
Easley et al. (2011)
Easley et al. (2012)
. Estimations of
, and adjPIN
are subject to floating-point exception
error, and are sensitive to the choice of initial values.
Therefore, researchers developed factorizations of the model likelihood
functions as well as algorithms for determining initial parameter sets for
the maximum likelihood estimation - (MLE henceforth).
As for the factorizations, the package includes three
different factorizations of the PIN
likelihood function :fact_pin_eho()
as in Easley et al. (2010)
, fact_pin_lk()
as in
Lin and Ke (2011)
, and fact_pin_e()
as in
Ersan (2016)
one factorization for MPIN
likelihood function: fact_mpin()
as in
Ersan (2016)
; and one factorization for
likelihood function: fact_adjpin()
as in
Ersan and Ghachem (2022b)
The package implements three algorithms to generate initial
parameter sets for the MLE of the PIN
model in: initials_pin_yz()
for the algorithm of Yan and Zhang (2012)
for the algorithm of
Gan et al. (2015)
, and initials_pin_ea()
for the
algorithm of Ersan and Alici (2016)
. As for the
initial parameter sets for the MLE of the MPIN
model, the function
implements a multilayer extension of the algorithm of
Ersan and Alici (2016)
. Finally, three functions
implement three algorithms of initial parameter sets for the MLE of
the AdjPIN
model, namely initials_adjpin()
for the algorithm in
Ersan and Ghachem (2022b)
, initials_adjpin_cl()
for the algorithm of Cheng and Lai (2021)
; and
for randomly generated initial parameter sets.
The choice of the initial parameter sets can be done directly, either using
specific functions implementing MLE for the PIN model, such as, pin_yz()
, pin_ea()
; or through the argument initialsets
in generic
functions implementing MLE for the MPIN
and AdjPIN
models, namely
, and adjpin()
Besides, PIN
and AdjPIN
models can be estimated using custom
initial parameter set(s) provided by the user and fed through
the argument initialsets
for the functions pin()
, mpin_ml()
. Through the function get_posteriors()
, the package also
allows users to assign, for each day in the sample, the posterior
probability that the day is a no-information day, good-information day
and bad-information day.
As an alternative to the standard maximum likelihood estimation,
estimation via expectation conditional maximization algorithm (ECM
is suggested in Ghachem and Ersan (2022a)
, and is
implemented through the function mpin_ecm()
for the MPIN
model, and
the function adjpin()
for the AdjPIN
Dataset(s) of daily aggregated numbers of buys and sells with user
determined number of information layers can be simulated with the function
for the MPIN
) model;
and generatedata_adjpin()
for the AdjPIN
model. The output of these functions contains the
theoretical parameters used in the data generation, empirical parameters
computed from the generated data, alongside the generated data itself.
Data simulation functions allow for broad customization
to produce data that fit the user's preferences. Therefore, simulated data
series can be utilized in comparative analyses for the applied methods in
different scenarios. Alternatively, the user can use two example datasets
preloaded in the package: dailytrades
as a representative of a quarterly
trade data with daily buys and sells; and hfdata
as a simulated
high-frequency dataset comprising 100 000
Finally, the package provides two functions to deal with
high-frequency data.
First, the function vpin()
estimates and provides detailed output on the
order flow toxicity metric, volume-synchronized probability of informed
trading, as developed in Easley et al. (2011)
Easley et al. (2012)
. Second, the function
aggregates the high-frequency trade-data into daily
data using several trade classification algorithms, namely the tick
algorithm, the quote
algorithm, LR
(Lee and Ready 1991)
and the EMO
algorithm (Ellis et al. 2000)
The package provides fast, compact, and precise utilities to tackle
the sophisticated, error-prone, and time-consuming estimation procedure of
informed trading, and this solely using the raw trade-level data.
Ghachem and Ersan (2022b)
provides comprehensive overview of the package: it first
details the underlying theoretical background, provides a thorough
description of the functions, before using them to tackle relevant
research questions.
adjpin estimates the adjusted probability of informed trading (
) of the model of Duarte and Young (2009) .aggregate_trades aggregates the trading data per day using different trade classification algorithms.
detectlayers_e detects the number of information layers present in the trade-data using the algorithm in Ersan (2016) .
detectlayers_eg detects the number of information layers present in the trade-data using the algorithm in Ersan and Ghachem (2022a) .
detectlayers_ecm detects the number of information layers present in the trade-data using the expectation-conditional maximization algorithm in Ghachem and Ersan (2022a) .
fact_adjpin returns the
factorization of the likelihood function by Ersan and Ghachem (2022b) evaluated at the provided data and parameter sets.fact_pin_e returns the
factorization of the likelihood function by Ersan (2016) evaluated at the provided data and parameter sets.fact_pin_eho returns the
factorization of the likelihood function by Easley et al. (2010) evaluated at the provided data and parameter sets.fact_pin_lk returns the
factorization of the likelihood function by Lin and Ke (2011) evaluated at the provided data and parameter sets.fact_mpin returns the
factorization of the likelihood function by Ersan (2016) evaluated at the provided data and parameter sets.generatedata_adjpin generates a dataset object or a list of dataset objects generated according to the assumptions of the
model.generatedata_mpin generates a dataset object or a list of dataset objects generated according to the assumptions of the
model.get_posteriors computes, for each day in the sample, the posterior probabilities that it is a no-information day, good-information day and bad-information day respectively.
initials_adjpin generates the initial parameter sets for the
estimation of the adjusted probability of informed trading using the algorithm of Ersan and Ghachem (2022b) .initials_adjpin_cl generates the initial parameter sets for the
estimation of the adjusted probability of informed trading using an extension of the algorithm of Cheng and Lai (2021) .initials_adjpin_rnd generates random parameter sets for the estimation of the
model.initials_mpin generates initial parameter sets for the maximum likelihood estimation of the multilayer probability of informed trading (
) using the Ersan (2016) generalization of the algorithm in Ersan and Alici (2016) .initials_pin_ea generates the initial parameter sets for the maximum likelihood estimation of the probability of informed trading (
) using the algorithm of Ersan and Alici (2016) .initials_pin_gwj generates the initial parameter set for the maximum likelihood estimation of the probability of informed trading (
) using the algorithm of Gan et al. (2015) .initials_pin_yz generates the initial parameter sets for the maximum likelihood estimation of the probability of informed trading (
) using the algorithm of Yan and Zhang (2012) .mpin_ecm estimates the multilayer probability of informed trading (
) using the expectation-conditional maximization algorithm (ECM
) as in Ghachem and Ersan (2022a) .mpin_ml estimates the multilayer probability of informed trading (
) using layer detection algorithms in Ersan (2016) , and Ersan and Ghachem (2022a) ; and standard maximum likelihood estimates the probability of informed trading (
) using custom initial parameter set(s) provided by the user.pin_bayes estimates the probability of informed trading (
) using the Bayesian approach in Griffin et al. (2021) .pin_ea estimates the probability of informed trading (
) using the initial parameter sets from the algorithm of Ersan and Alici (2016) .pin_gwj estimates the probability of informed trading (
) using the initial parameter set from the algorithm of Gan et al. (2015) .pin_yz estimates the probability of informed trading (
) using the initial parameter sets from the grid-search algorithm of Yan and Zhang (2012) .vpin estimates the volume-synchronized probability of informed trading (
dailytrades A dataframe representative of quarterly (60 trading days) data of simulated daily buys and sells.
hfdata A dataframe containing simulated high-frequency trade-data on 100 000 timestamps with the variables
{timestamp, price, volume, bid, ask}
Estimation results
estimate.adjpin-class The class
stores the estimation results of the functionadjpin()
.estimate.mpin-class The class
stores the estimation results of theMPIN
model as estimated by the functionmpin_ml()
.estimate.mpin.ecm-class The class
stores the estimation results of theMPIN
model as estimated by the functionmpin_ecm() The class
stores the estimation results of the followingPIN
functions:pin(), pin_yz(), pin_gwj()
, andpin_ea()
.estimate.vpin-class The class
stores the estimation results of theVPIN
model using the functionvpin()
Data simulation
dataset-class The class
stores the result of simulation of the aggregate daily trading The class
stores a list ofdataset
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Montasser Ghachem
Department of Economics at Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
Oguz Ersan
Department of International Trade and Finance at Kadir Has University,
Istanbul, Turkey.